baby massage instruction

Samadhi Wellness baby massage parental instruction relaxation mother and baby wellbeing paediatric massage improve immune function bonding postnatal depression PND mental health
Samadhi Wellness baby massage parental instruction relaxation mother and baby wellbeing paediatric massage improve immune function bonding postnatal depression PND mental health

one of the oldest and effective healing modalities in the world, the practice of baby massage has long been cherished for its profound benefits to the physical and emotional wellbeing of both mother and baby.

beyond the obvious soothing effects, baby massage offers an array of advantages, notably in nurturing mental health and fostering a deep connection and bonding between the parent and child.

  • promoting mental health: baby massage holds immense potential in promoting the mental health of both mother and baby. by stimulating the release of oxytocin, affectionately known as the ‘love hormone’, massage facilitates feelings of calm and contentment for both mother and child. for the mother, this can help alleviate symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety, enabling her to relax and bond more deeply with her baby. meanwhile, the gentle touch and focused attention during massage can instil feelings of security and trust in infants, promoting their own emotional wellbeing.

  • strengthening the parent-child bond: the power of touch cannot be understated when it comes to building a strong connection between mother and baby. baby massage provides an ideal opportunity for quality, uninterrupted one-on-one time, allowing the parent to truly be present and attuned to the baby's needs. this regular physical contact and focused interaction create a nurturing environment that deepens the bond, fostering a sense of trust and emotional closeness that lasts a lifetime.

  • enhancing communication and sensory development: through baby massage, parents become more attuned to their baby's cues and signals, enhancing their ability to understand and effectively respond to their needs; this increased awareness combined with gentle touch and eye contact during the massage, strengthens parent-child communication. additionally, baby massage stimulates various sensory systems, including tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular, contributing to the baby's overall sensory development.

  • aid digestion and relieve discomfort: many babies experience digestive issues such as gas, colic, or constipation, leading to discomfort and distress. baby massage as instructed by a professional, can help stimulate the digestive system, aiding digestion and relieving associated discomfort. learn techniques to ease your baby's gastrointestinal woes, bringing both you and your little one much-needed relief.

  • relaxation and improved sleep: baby massage is well known for its ability to induce relaxation and better sleep patterns for both mother and baby. the rhythmic strokes and soothing touch release tension, ease discomfort, and promote the production of endorphins, leading to a sense of relaxation and improved mood. by incorporating baby massage into a daily routine, parents can create a calming ritual that signals relaxation, helping their baby settle more easily.

the practice of baby massage offers a multitude of benefits for both mother and baby, with a particular focus on mental health and the establishment of a strong connection and bonding. it has the power to instil tranquillity, reduce stress, and facilitate communication, while providing a nurturing environment for babies to thrive. By embracing this beautiful practice regularly, parents can tap into the transformative power of baby massage and experience the joy of deepening their bond with their little ones.

honouring the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you, because it is also within me.

namasté, anna xx

your baby massage instruction -

healing and bonding families

  • 01 / new beginnings

    you are invited to book in for private, in-person baby massage instruction session, or join a group baby massage course, which gives you the added benefits of connecting with other parents in the community

  • 02 / softly, slowly

    infant massage is significantly different to older child/adult relaxation massage, and is taught slowly and effectively step by step, ensuring the main caregiver is confident and happy before proceeding

  • 03 / reflect and refine

    baby massage instruction private or group sessions are spread out over a period so that the main caregiver is given space to practice, and return with any questions, queries or concerns

baby massage instruction for parents relax and calm baby improve mental health postnatal depression

how it works

private baby massage instruction sessions are available in-person at baldivis south community centre, baldivis, wa. if you require home visits, please contact me prior to making your booking to see what we can arrange. when you are ready, simply make a booking by clicking on the button below, and you will receive an email confirming your booking time and date.

if you are booking a baby massage group course, all details are available upon booking.

all bookings are subject to our re-booking & cancellation policy, terms & conditions and privacy policy. please be sure to read and understand them fully before proceeding to checkout.