

swedish massage is a therapeutic system of flowing, soothing body-work strokes that improve the function of all systems of the body.

it involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on the topmost layers of muscles, combined with movement of the joints. by relieving muscle tension, swedish massage can be both relaxing and energising.

the therapeutic effects of massage include the improvement of digestion, circulation and immune function while it balances and de-stresses, helps relieve pain, enhances joint mobility and skin integrity, and assists detoxification.

healing on a physical and emotional level, massage can be used on its own or in conjunction with aromatherapy and/or other natural therapies to enhance its healing effects.

while massage is safe and effective for all ages, chronic health conditions will need to be assessed for suitability and duty of care.

honouring the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you, because it is also within me.

namasté, anna xx

your relaxation massage

designed exclusively for you

  • 01 / before we begin

    after taking a short case history, we will discuss how we can tailor your massage treatment to your specific needs.

    relaxation massages typically comprise full body therapy, however they can be tailored for specific needs as required.

    kindly note that the massage therapy provided by this practice is strictly professional and non-sexual.

  • 02 / relax & unwind

    following your short consult, you will be given privacy to remove your clothes (except for your lower underwear) and make yourself comfortable on the massage table with a covering towel.

    soothing relaxation music, aromatherapy and gentle lighting create the perfect space for you to feel safe and relaxed.

  • 03 / reflect

    be sure to drink plenty of water and take it easy after your relaxation massage.

    you may like to consider regular massage treatments as part of your commitment to your healing journey.

    working alongside you in support of your physical, mental and spiritual health, I am here to guide and nurture you as needed.

how it works

simply choose between a 30 minute or 1 hour relaxation massage. make a booking by clicking on the button below and you will receive an email confirming your booking time and date.

if you are booking your first relaxation massage, you will be advised of the address details accordingly.

all bookings are subject to our re-booking & cancellation policy, terms & conditions and privacy policy. please be sure to read and understand them fully before proceeding to checkout.