rāja yoga


rāja yoga is an eight limb practice as described in the yoga sutras by sage patanjali. this system of healing comprises yogic philosophy (yama: practicing non-violence, truth, non-stealing, control of the senses and non attachment; and niyama: qualities of purity, contentment and self-study), yoga asana (postures/exercises), pranayama (breathing exercises), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses in order to quiet the mind), dharana (practicing concentration to steady and purify the mind) and dhyana (meditation), which all work towards achieving samādhi, the supreme level of consciousness and the deepest form of being. rāja yoga therapy aims to assist and support your healing journey, as you begin to develop a more firm sense of who you are, and your purpose in this world.

naturally, your health and wellbeing is the focus of each session, and while the rāja yoag path develops a deeper understanding of the self and profound spiritual enlightenment, sessions can be adjusted to address purely physical and/or mental healing if that is what is desired. if you wish to support a physical health condition, we simply tailor yoga asana specific to your needs, and sessions work to help minimise symptoms while healing your body.

honouring the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you, because it is also within me.

namasté, anna xx

your rāja yoga therapy session -

designed exclusively for you

  • 01 / looking within

    your first session will involve a full case history that results in an in-depth understanding of your health and wellbeing, and effective consideration of any existing health conditions.

    how deeply you wish to go is completely up to you; we can work simply on a physical level, or delve further into mind and spirit.

  • 02 / new beginnings

    from your first session, we proceed with creating rāja yoga therapy sessions that will be of most benefit to you.

    your prescribed activities/exercises will be explained and demonstrated for regular home practice.

    your rāja yoga therapy sessions may include one or more of the above traditional limbs of yoga, and are likely to include a series of yin, restorative, hatha or vinyasa yoga asana (postures) set to restore optimal health.

  • 03 / reflect and refine

    working alongside you in support of your physical, mental and spiritual health, I am here to guide and nurture you through your healing journey.

    while regular sessions assist in monitoring your progress and refining your therapy sessions, they also play an important role in your commitment to yourself and help keep you motivated to achieve your wellness goals.

how it works

rāja yoga therapy sessions are available either in-person or via zoom. simply make a booking by clicking on the button below and you will receive an email confirming your booking time and date.

if you are booking your first in-person rāja yoga therapy session, you will be advised of the address details accordingly.

all bookings are subject to our re-booking & cancellation policy, terms & conditions and privacy policy. please be sure to read and understand them fully before proceeding to checkout.